"Sonny" (CH Von Bruno's Blues Legend, TT)
Click Here to See Sonny's Pedigree


Sonny and his brothers and sister are born 03/27/01 -- here's my first peak. Sonny's about 5.5 weeks old and still in Oklahoma (05/05/01)

Such a little sweetie! Here's Sonny, taking it all in on his first California playdate (05/17/02)

Now he's getting the hang of it! (05/17/02)

He's 7.5 weeks old now -- and growing by leaps and bounds! (05/21/01)

Son-Dog struts his stuff -- with his friend Otto (just 5 days older than Sonny) on his tail. (05/23/01)

All that posing for pictures wears him out! (05/26/01)

Happy 2-month birthday, Sonny! Here he is on a picnic with friends in the Wine Country (05/27/01)

Another 2-month birthday picture (05/27/01)

Even though Sonny is trying to watch his favorite show, Mom insists that he practice "looking like a show dog" -- he's 9 weeks old now (06/05/01)

Just shy of 11 weeks, Sonny enjoys the sights, smells, and sounds at the Berkeley Marina (06/17/01)

Still enjoying "Millionaire" at 12+ weeks -- he'll be 3-months old tomorrow! (06/26/01)

Pausing to smell (and eat?) the flowers... (06/30/01)

Ah... Such a sweetie! 13+ weeks and still as cute as a button!!! (06/30/01)

Sonny's first Puppy Match -- he's about 14-weeks old here (07/14/01)

Sonny models a Drizabone dog jacket (08/12/01)

And here's Sonny in conformation class -- he's a week short of his 5-month birthday (08/22/01)

Sonny in the ring at a Puppy Match (08/25/02)

Sonny and his brother relax after the Puppy Match -- their 5-month birthday is just 2 days away. (08/25/01)

Several picture-less weeks pass while Barron, Sonny, and Mom get settled in their new house. Sonny seems pretty comfortable! (10/16/01)

It's Sonny's 7-month birthday! (10/17/01)

Here's Sonny playing with his big brother Barron (11/03/01)

Getting psyched before his first show (11/10/01)

OOH! It's showtime!!! Sonny makes his ring debut -- taking a Reserve his first day out! (11/10/01)

Two weeks later, another big show weekend (11/24/01)

Sonny shows the judge how well he moves -- he'll be 8-months old tomorrow (11/26/01)

What a good showdog! (11/26/01)

Later that same day... After 4 straight shows, it's playtime!!! (11/26/01)

Sonny poses while other dogs are judged (11/30/01)

Barron and Sonny frolic in a field -- 10-year-old Barron gives that 8.5-month-old upstart a good workout! (12/12/01)

After a few weeks off from dogshows, it's time to practice again... (01/21/02)

Sonny practices (02/09/02)

Sonny's first win -- a 3-point major under Judge Charles Trotter. Handled to perfection by Jane Chopson (03/24/02)

A better look at Winners Dog... (03/24/02)

Sonny looks great gaiting for the judge a couple of weeks later... (04/13/02)

Judge Clay Coady notices how great he looks -- Sonny takes BOW for 2 points! (04/13/02)

Sonny is Winners Dog (thanks Judge Lt. Col. Wallace Pede!) for one point at the Hangtown Kennel Club Show in Placerville (05/26/02)

Here's a closer look at Sunday's Winners Dog at the Hangtown KC Show -- a great followup to Saturday's Reserve! (05/26/02)

Sonny takes Best of Winners under Breeder-Judge Robert Matchett at the Great Dane Club of California Specialty for 4 points!!! (06/09/02)

A better look at Son-Dog -- we're so proud of our boy!!! (06/09/02)

Sonny picks up another point taking BOW under Judge Jean Fournier at the Coyote Hills KC show on Sunday. (07/21/02)

And a better look at the handsome BOW... (07/21/02)

Sonny takes BOW under Judge Dianne Besoff for 2 more points!!! That's 13 now and counting -- thanks, Larry, for filling in for Jane! (08/03/02)

Of course, we want a better look at that great-looking dog! (08/03/02)

It's been a Sonny Weekend at the Richmond DFA shows! Sonny takes BOW Judge Ronald Besoff to become... (08/04/02)

Ch. Von Bruno's Blues Legend!!! (08/04/02)